Commercial Furniture For Your Brisbane Shop Front Office

Your front of house is every new client’s first point of interaction with your business. You may be an exceptional accountant or a truly caring dentist, but many people will decide whether or not to book an appointment based on the professional and inviting look and feel of your shop front. Don’t let your reputation down by having anything less than the best commercial furniture in Brisbane.

More than just offices

Many professionals and service businesses put a lot of time and effort into their main workspace, but neglect the commercial furniture needed for their shop front or reception area. Welcoming furniture that reflects your brand and puts clients at ease is essential to ensure repeat custom. Here are a just a few examples!

Medical professions

Patients are putting their health in your hands, which means building trust and rapport is crucial. Your procedure rooms may be clean and sterile, with the highest quality tools and technology, but a sloppy uncomfortable waiting room will stop people coming back a second time.

These days, people expect a commercial atmosphere in medical or dental waiting areas, along with a professional appearance for reception and office spaces. Choose warm tones or neutral colours, and clean, open desk arrangements with good visibility and access for patients. When it comes to visitor chairs, consider offering a range of options including cosy couches and upright seats for anyone with mobility concerns.

Financial or legal services

If you’re a solicitor, accountant or tax agent you also need to convey an atmosphere of trust, honesty and professionalism in your shop front office. Clients are trusting you with matters of high importance, so you need to put them at ease as soon as they walk into your workplace.

Comfortable and modern furniture is a must for the waiting areas of this type of business. Without it, your office will not give the impression you are serious about what you do! Additionally, confidentiality may be a concern. Consider setting up your reception area in such a way that people can have private conversations with your team as they enter and leave – use bookshelves or plants as privacy barriers or position your reception desk slightly around a corner from the main waiting area.

Other service providers

Medical and legal services are just a few of many businesses who rely on an impressive shop front to run their business efficiently. Whether you’re a tattoo artist, a mechanic, a beautician or a web designer, your reception area is what your customers see first when they visit your business.

Of course, if you run a creative service or you are your own boss, you have more scope to play around with unique office furniture. Bright colours or quirky designs might be right on brand for you! But remember, whatever you choose, it must still look tidy, clean and welcoming or your visitors will simply feel uncomfortable.

Aim for an open, relaxed atmosphere for patrons that will encourage them to return. Be sure that there is plenty of natural light and consider offering a beverage or some entertainment options for people while they wait.

When you’re thinking about commercial furniture for your Brisbane shop front, it’s not only about the ‘business end’ of your service. Keep your welcome area and reception spaces modern and professional looking, while adding a little character if it suits your brand. If the shop front of your business looks unkempt and outdated, potential clients may well think the business itself is inferior.

Don’t be anything less than impressed with your commercial office furniture in Brisbane. Call the team at Clicks Office Furniture today on (07)32653125!