Boardroom Furniture That Is Stylish And Functional

Give your boardroom a fresh look that will inspire creativity!
A boardroom doesn’t have to be drab and boring. With the right boardroom furniture your workspace can be both stylish and functional. Here are some things you should consider when purchasing office and boardroom furniture.

Purchasing boardroom furniture

There are several things to contemplate when making purchases for your boardroom. The right choices not only look the business, but they can significantly influence the success of your meetings.

Desks and tables

The boardroom table is the centre piece of any meeting room, but the style you choose may depend on the nature of your business. Choose between ornate finishes and practical designs, depending on the impression you wish to make. Slimline and rectangular tables work well in smaller boardrooms where one-on-one meetings are the norm. If you’re keen to encourage participation in discussions where everyone feels included, choose round or oval table designs.
A boardroom usually requires more than one table, however, as additional desk spaces are handy for holding refreshments or display items for use during seminars. Slimline or folding tables can help make the most of wall space under windows.
TIP: Regardless of where someone is sitting, they should be easily seen and heard by everyone else when speaking.


Seating options should be comfortable, above all else. Those meetings can really drag on sometimes! At the same time, you don’t want meeting attendees dozing off in their chairs. If you regularly hold longer meetings that require concentration, choose ergonomic office chairs that help people sit upright with good back support. For shorter sessions, relaxed visitor chairs are sufficient and offer a level of style that can’t always be achieved with an office chair.


Boardrooms are commonly utilised for training and meet-and-greets as well as formal meetings. Office accessories that promote communication and allow for easy use of information sharing are increasingly important in business.
Mobile whiteboards are the ideal way to make notes for attendees, respond to questions and encourage discussion.
Depending on the formality of your meetings, a podium may be essential. This gives speakers the attention of the audience and a place to comfortably rest notes while addressing the room.
Adding natural lighting or a splash of colour to your boardroom adds personality, and makes the room more welcoming for hosting social occasions.
Boardroom furniture should be stylish and professional, whilst maximising ideas, creativity and participation. Choose quality, durable basics then add a little flair for increased comfort and productivity in your meetings.

Who said boardroom furniture has to be basic? Add style to your office with Clicks Office today on (07) 3265 3125!

Check out products here: Office Furniture in Brisbane