Before you furnish your office, read this and get it right the first time!
If it’s time to refurbish your office, you don’t want to waste time on buying inferior products that don’t do the job – and need replacing in a month’s time! But there is quality, affordable office furniture available in Brisbane. You just need to know what to look for!

What to consider when furnishing your office

Whether you’re making some changes at work, or setting up a home office, there are several important considerations when it comes to sourcing quality furniture – at any price. Pay attention to the following check list when you’re looking to fit out your workplace environment.

Quality and durability

Ensure the furniture is built to last and can withstand a sufficient amount of use for years to come. Don’t be afraid to test springs, joints and drawer mechanisms for durability. When working to a budget, it sometimes pays to spend a little more at the outset for better quality rather than replacing pieces down the track.

Your personal office needs

Is this office a shared workplace or your personal home office?
If shared, the needs of everyone must to be taken into consideration to ensure a happy team environment. Remember that productivity and comfort will be as important as getting the right ‘look’. Finding the right items for personal home offices tends to be easier as you know your aesthetic style, storage and bench space requirements.

Style vs substance

When it comes to office furniture, the available style options are endless! From contemporary, to futuristic, antique or shabby chic, there is something to suit your personal preference. But while visual appeal is certainly important, it is not the only thing to consider.
Your furniture style must also reflect your business professionalism. Companies and individuals with serious occupations, like lawyers or accountants, for example, will often opt for more traditional furniture that sends a professional message. If you work in a creative or community office space, you have much more leeway with colour and flair.

Length of use

Determining how long each day you intend to use your office will be a contributing factor for what furniture you need. If you only plan on occupying the space for small durations throughout the day, than style may be your most important influence. If you are likely to spend long periods of time in this office, and heavy concentration is required, comfort and support are imperative.

Space and storage

Know how much space is available and use it wisely. If there is only a small amount of usable area, than prioritise your needs (desk, filing, bench space) and maximise wall storage where you can.

Budget matters

Set yourself a realistic budget and work to its confines. You will only waste time and cause yourself unnecessary disappointment by looking outside your affordability.
There needs to be a happy medium between comfort, aesthetics and professionalism in any office space. A comfortable and stylish office is a space that is enjoyable to work in. Your office setup is a vital part of proper office ergonomics. Click here for your ‘How-To’ guide.
Purchasing office furniture in Brisbane can be expensive. If you do your research, however, and consider the check list above, you can create a contented and productive workplace that is right for you.

If you are looking for quality office furniture in Brisbane that is within your budget, call the team at Clicks Office or view their range online today!